Monday, January 24, 2005

frameworks of urbanization and urbanism

While reading this week's articles, I have concluded that framework is really important for urban (community) studies. From Simmel to Gans, they tried to explain social change - particually urbanization - based on their historic and theoretical perspectives. Put it simply, Wirth's analysis seems to be based on the theory of mass culture/socieity whereas Gans explained on the basis of popular/folk culture and socieity. As Gans acknowledged, I think that investigating urban or cities is also time bound.

I think that framework is strongly associated with meta-theoretical issues such as epistemology, ontology and axiology. In addition, historical background needs to be considered. As a future describer or researcher, how should I approach to urban issues? What framework do I need to bring about for my studies? Of course, it is not a simple question to require a prompt answer. It is more likely to demand reflective thinking as an intellectual who is willing to study human and society from me.

Am I too serious from the start?^^

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